Original: The Drew Carey Show
Warner Bros. Television
USA 1995 -
Staffeln 7 -
Folgen 181 -
Starring: |
Drew Carey | - Drew | |
Diedrich Bader | - Oswald | |
Christa Miller | - Kate | |
Ryan Stiles | - Lewis | |
Kathy Kinney | - Mimi | |
Craig Ferguson | - Nigel Wick | (2-6) |
John Carroll Lynch | - Steve Carey | (6) Staffel 5 als Gast |
1 | (1) | Das fängt ja gut an | - Pilot |
2 | (2) | Wenn der Chef nicht will, steht die Liebe still | - Miss Right |
3 | (3) | Braut für einen Tag | - The Joining of Two Unlikely Elements is a Mixture |
4 | (4) | Die Natur verabscheut das Vakuun | - Nature Abhors a Vacuum |
5 | (5) | In der Natur gibt es nichts zweimal | - No Two Things in Nature are Exactly Alike |
6 | (6) | Das Verhängnis in Form einer Raupe | - Drew Meets Lawyers |
7 | (7) | Der Selbstverteidiger | - Drew in Court |
8 | (8) | Schatten der Vergangenheit | - Lewis' Sister |
9 | (9) | Drews kurzer Karrieresprung | - Drew and Mrs. Louder |
10 | (10) | Gegensätze ziehen sich aus | - Science Names Suck |
11 | (11) | Drew und der Männerbund | - The Electron Doesn't Fall Far from the Tree |
12 | (12) | Der Streikbrecher | - Isomers Have Distinct Characteristics |
13 | (13) | Irre sind menschlich | - Drew and the Unstable Element |
14 | (14) | Vetternwirtschaft | - Drew and Mr. Bell's Nephew |
15 | (15) | Drew und der liebe Gott | - There is No Scientific Name for a Show About God |
16 | (16) | Die rechte Hand des Teufels | - Drew's New Assistant |
17 | (17) | Die Tarnung | - The Front |
18 | (18) | Drew wird eingeseift | - Playing a Unified Field |
19 | (19) | Wenn Frauen sich bekriegen | - Atomic Cat Fight |
20 | (20) | Die Ochsenschwanzsuppe | - Drew and Kate and Kate's Mom |
21 | (21) | Drew wird motiviert | - Drew Gets Motivated |
22 | (22) | Die Holländer kommen | - Buzz Beer |
1 |
(23) |
- We'll Remember Always, Evaluation Day |
2 |
(24) |
- Something Wick This Way Comes |
3 |
(25) |
- Break It Up, Break It Up |
4 |
(26) |
- The Bully You Know |
5 |
(27) |
- The Devil, You Say |
6 |
(28) |
- The Day the Music Died |
7 |
(29) |
- What the Zoning Inspector Saw |
8 |
(30) |
- Drew's the Other Man |
9 |
(31) |
- Mimi's Day Parade |
10 |
(32) |
- It's Your Party and I'll Crash If I Want To |
11 |
(33) |
- Lisa Gets Married |
12 |
(34) |
- They're Back |
13 |
(35) |
- Hello/Goodbye |
14 |
(36) |
- Drewstock |
15 |
(37) |
- Drew Blows His Promotion |
16 |
(38) |
- Check Out Drew's Old Flame |
17 |
(39) |
- See Drew Run |
18 |
(40) |
- Drew Gets Married |
19 |
(41) |
- Man's Best Same Sex Companion |
20 |
(42) |
- Two Drews and the Queen of Poland Walk into a Bar |
21 |
(43) |
- Cap-Beer-Cino |
22 |
(44) |
Ein Dicker will nach oben |
- Drew vs. Mimi, Part II |
23 |
(45) |
- Win a Date with Kate |
24 |
(46) |
- New York and Queens |
- 1998)
1 |
(47) |
Die Bierdiät |
- Drew vs. Billboard |
2 |
(48) |
Drew setzt sich ein |
- Drew and the Singles Union |
3 |
(49) |
Der Affentanz |
- Strange Bedfellows |
4 |
(50) |
Das Plüsch-Gefängnis |
- Misery Loves Mimi |
5 |
(51) |
Ein ganz tolles Haus |
- A Very, Very, Very Fine House |
6 |
(52) |
Lieber rund als gesund |
- Drew vs. the Pig |
7 |
(53) |
Das Batmobil |
- Batmobile |
8 |
(54) |
Der Männerstrip |
- The Dog and Pony Show |
9 |
(55) |
Der große Bruder |
- Drew's Brother |
10 |
(56 |
Vergebliche Liebesmüh' |
- That Thing You Don't |
11 |
(57) |
Die Schande der Stadt |
- Volunteer |
12 |
(58) |
Reif für die Insel |
- Vacation |
13 |
(59) |
Der Zweitchef |
- Howdy Neighbor |
14 |
(60) |
Der Belästigungszeuge |
- He Harassed Me, He Harassed Me Not |
15 |
(61) |
Drews feste Freundin |
- Mr. Louder's Birthday Party |
16 |
(62) |
Die Salonlöwin |
- The Salon |
17 |
(63) |
Traumpaar nach Punkten |
- The Engagement |
18 |
(64) |
Die Schwiegereltern-Krise |
- Nicki's Parents |
19 |
(65) |
Zwei Hochzeiten und der Todesfall eines Kühlschranks |
- Two Weddings and a Funeral for a Refrigerator |
20 |
(66) |
Der Junggesellenabschied |
- The Bachelor Party |
21 |
(67) |
Das Liebespulver |
- The Sex Drug |
22 |
(68) |
Wer findet die Fehler? (1) |
- What's Wrong with This Episode? |
23 |
(69) |
Die Frau für's Gröbste |
- The Rebound |
24 |
(70) |
Die Flirtschule |
- The Dating Consultant |
25 |
(71) |
Der Chef in meinem Bett |
- Drew's Cousin |
26 |
(72) |
Von der Erde zum Mond |
- From the Earth to the Moon |
27 |
(73) |
Brautkleid bleibt Brautkleid |
- The Wedding Dress |
28 |
(74) |
Die Hochzeit meiner besten Freunde |
- My Best Friend's Wedding |
- 1999)
1 |
(75) |
Drew und die Verschwörung |
- Drew and the Conspiracy |
2 |
(76) |
In Ramada Da Vida |
- In Ramada Da Vida |
3 |
(77) |
Der blonde Engel |
- Golden Boy |
4 |
(78) |
Zwischen Baum und Borke |
- Drew Between the Rock and a Hard Place |
5 |
(79) |
Der Kick beim Klick |
- Sexual Perversity in Cleveland |
6 |
(80) |
Kain und Mabel |
- Cain and Mabel |
7 |
(81) |
Der letzte Tanz |
- Nicki's Wedding |
8 |
(82) |
Ein Auto für Drew |
- Drew's New Car |
9 |
(83) |
Drew in China |
- The High Road to China |
10 |
(84) |
Drews Tanzparty |
- Drew's Dance Party |
11 |
(85) |
Kate findet eine Familie |
- Kate's Family |
12 |
(86) |
Drew und die Seniorin |
- Drew's Dates a Senior |
13 |
(87) |
Das Fest der Hiebe |
- Drew's Holiday Punch |
14 |
(88) |
Das halbierte Haus |
- A House Divided |
15 |
(89) |
Das wiedervereinigte Haus |
- A House Reunited |
16 |
(90) |
Ratten, Bier und ein Wrestler |
- Rats, Kate's Dating a Wrestler |
17 |
(91) |
Drei Männer und ein Mädchen |
- Three Guys, a Girl and a B-Story |
18 |
(92) |
Perlen der Weisheit |
- Boy Party / Girl Party |
19 |
(93) |
Mit Erdbeeren und Fischöl |
- Tracy Bowl |
20 |
(94) |
Hundchen im Horrorkabinett |
- DrugCo |
21 |
(95) |
Wo die Sünde wohnt |
- Steve and Mimi |
22 |
(96) |
Wer findet die Fehler? (2) |
- April Fool's II |
23 |
(97) |
Frau im Notstand |
- She's Gotta Have It |
24 |
(98) |
Good Vibrations |
- Good Vibrations |
25 |
(99) |
Abgezockt |
- Do the Hustle |
26 |
(100) |
Der Dachschaden |
- Up on the Roof |
27 |
(101) |
Der Club der Menschlichkeit |
- Brotherhood of Man |
1 |
(102) |
- Y2K, You're Okay |
2 |
(103) |
- Drew Goes to the Browns' Game |
3 |
(104) |
- Drew and the Gang Law |
4 |
(105) |
- Drew's Reunion |
5 |
(106) |
- Drew's Physical |
6 |
(107) |
- Drew Tries to Kill Mimi |
7 |
(108) |
- Red, White and Drew |
8 |
(109) |
- Drew Live |
9 |
(110) |
- Drew Cam |
10 |
(111) |
- Drew's Stomachache |
11 |
(112) |
- Steve and Mimi Get Married |
12 |
(113) |
- Drew and Kate's First Date |
13 |
(114) |
- Drew and the Racial Tension Play |
14 |
(115) |
- Kate Works for Drew |
15 |
(116) |
- Mimi Moves In |
16 |
(117) |
- Do Drew and Kate Have Sex? |
17 |
(118) |
- I Dishonestly Love You |
18 |
(119) |
- Drew Goes to Hell |
19 |
(120) |
- What's Wrong with This Episode III |
20 |
(121) |
- The Gang Stops Drinking |
21 |
(122) |
- Oswald's Son |
22 |
(123) |
- Mr. Wick Returns |
23 |
(124) |
- Kate vs. Speedy |
24 |
(125) |
- Beer Ball |
25 |
(126) |
- Drew and Kate Boink |
26 |
(127) |
- A Very Special Drew |
1 |
(128) |
- Drew Pops Something on Kate |
2 |
(129) |
- Be Drew to Your School |
3 |
(130) |
- Drew's Inheritance |
4 |
(131) |
- Mimi's a Partner |
5 |
(132) |
- Drew Live II |
6 |
(133) |
- The Pregnancy Scare |
7 |
(134) |
- Drew and the Trail Scouts |
8 |
(135) |
- Drew and Kate Become Friends |
9 |
(136) |
- Drew Can't Carey a Tune |
10 |
(137) |
- Buzzie Wuzzie Liked His Beer |
11 |
(138) |
- Fetal Attraction |
12 |
(139) |
- The Warsaw Closes |
13 |
(140) |
- Oswald's Dad Returns |
14 |
(141) |
- All Work and No Play (1) |
15 |
(142) |
- Drew's in a Coma (2) |
16 |
(143) |
- Drew and the Baby (3) |
17 |
(144) |
- Hush Little Baby |
18 |
(145) |
- Drew's Life After Death |
19 |
(146) |
- Drew and the Motorcycle |
20 |
(147) |
- Kate and Her New Boyfriend |
21 |
(148) |
- What's Wrong with This Episode IV |
22 | (149) | - The Easter Show | |
23 | (150) | Geld oder Liebe | - Christening |
24 | (151) | Ärger mit Rachel (1) | - Drew and the Activist (1) |
25 | (152) | Ärger mit Rachel (2) | - Drew and the Activist (2) |
26 | (153) | Durchgedreht (1) | - Bananas (1) |
27 | (154) | Durchgedreht (2) | - Bananas (2) |
- 2002)
1 |
(155) |
- Drew Carey's Back-to-School Rock 'n' Roll Comedy Hour (1) |
2 |
(156) |
- Drew Carey's Back-to-School Rock 'n' Roll Comedy Hour (2) |
3 |
(157) |
- Drew Gets Out of the Nuthouse |
4 |
(158) |
- Married to a Mob |
5 |
(159) |
- When Wives Collide |
6 |
(160) |
- Bus-ted |
7 |
(161) |
- It's Halloween, Dummy |
8 |
(162) |
- How Beulah Gets Her Groove Back |
9 |
(163) |
- Drew Live III |
10 |
(164) |
- Eat Drink Drew Woman |
11 |
(165) |
- Mr. Laffoon's Wild Ride |
12 |
(166) |
- Hotel Drew |
13 |
(167) |
- Drew and the King |
14 |
(168) |
- The Curse of the Mummy |
15 |
(169) |
- The Enabler |
16 |
(170) |
- Pretty Baby |
17 |
(171) |
- A Shot in the Dark |
18 |
(172) |
- It's a Dog Eat Drew World |
19 |
(173) |
- Bringing Up Boss (1) |
20 |
(174) |
- Daddy Dearest (2) |
21 |
(175) |
- Never Been to Spain |
22 |
(176) |
- O Brother, Who Art Thou? |
23 |
(177) |
- Rich Woman, Poor Man |
24 |
(178) |
- What Women Don't Want |
25 |
(179) |
- Look Mom, One Hand! |
26 |
(180) |
- The Eagle Has Landed |
27 |
(181) |
- The Underpants Guy |
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